Monthly Archives: July 2009

Why Can’t I Start?

Have you ever had the infamous dream where someone is chasing you and you’re running in slow motion? Now, do you experience that same feeling in real life? I do. A lot lately, too. I can’t figure it out though. I know what I need to do and (usually) what it takes to get it done, but when it comes to actually doing it I begin to move in s-l-o-w m-o-t-i-o-n. From projects to chores to hobbies I seem to be in some type of “funk” regardless the task. Lately, I’ve begin to wonder if I’m lazy…or burnt out…or over committed…maybe even depressed. Or maybe, just maybe, I’m afraid of the failure or success that could come about from the task at hand. Whatever the case I’ve found a couple a ways to stop “procrastinating” and get the job done:

1. I visualize myself completing the task
2. I reward… lol! I’m just joking.

Honestly, I don’t have a proven system to get stuff done (yet), so I just get up and do it! Wait! Maybe that’s it. I’ve actually come to realize that once I begin something I can continue it until it’s completed (or close to). One truth I’ve had to address in my life, though, is that if I don’t tackle this issue of procrastination on a small scale it’ll eventually turn into a monster that will kill my dreams! I have a ton of ideas that I want to see become a reality before I die, but if I can’t get off of my behind and start at least one of them then the odds are others will never come to pass. The last thing I want in life is to be an old man constantly wondering “what if” simply because I never stood up and did something. So in the words of one of my friends, “Ain’t nothing to it but to do it!”