Monthly Archives: April 2010

Dude, What Happened?

I had a goal at the beginning of the year to begin blogging at least once a month. So far I’ve blogged once this year! So, what happened? LIFE! So much has been going on since the genesis of 2010. Some has been good and some has been, well, a bit less than perfect. I’m glad to say, however, that the good has outweighed the bad. I can say that now say that because I’ve been working on becoming an optimist in regard to my outlook on life. To date I’m a realist; I see things the way they are with a hope that they will get better, but in the back of my mind I believe most probably will not. When I read the Bible that seems to be the case. When I talk to older people that seems to be the case. Regardless I still want to live life in my shoes, enjoying my successes and enduring my failures, and at the end of the day maybe, just maybe, my good will outweigh my bad. Maybe I will be able to hope more. Maybe I will see the cup as “half full”. Maybe I will smile more. Maybe I will blog once a month. Who knows? But what I do know is that I’m not going to stop trying because at the end of the day I believe that matters. That’s what counts.