Monthly Archives: August 2014

Church On The Court

bball church

At the age of four I sustained a serious neck injury which prohibited me from playing contact sports for life. All the more unfortunate is the fact that I grew to be six feet and six inches tall. Though I was prevented to play organized sports, growing up, I often found myself drawn to the basketball court given my height advantage. Ironically, basketball is not my favorite sport (football is) and, I’m no Michael Jordan on the court, yet my height usually gets me on the team. Over the years I have learned that even if I’m not the best basketball player on the court if I just show up at the court that’s half the battle. Here are some observations I have made over the years about the basketball court.

  • When you’re in the presence of others who are playing the game well, you’re able to look at and learn from them.
  • When you’re in a place where people are like-minded and are there for a common purpose (to play basketball) it crowds out a lot of “other stuff” life weighs you down with.
  • When you decide to take the chance to exercise your own abilities and/or gifts on the court, you’re already in a place where you can do it without hindrance.
  • When you’re on the court, even if you never score a basket, the benefits of running up and down a basketball court will be invaluable to your health.

As a follower of Christ, I have constantly had to entertain the never-ending question of “Why go to church?” Though I could give a biblical treatise defending my stance, I have learned that some of the same reasons I have shown up at a basketball court are the same reasons I have shown up at a church.

  • When you’re in the presence of others who are living their life for God well, you’re able to look at and learn from them.
  • When you’re in a place where people are like-minded and are there for a common purpose (to worship God and grown in their faith) it crowds out a lot of “other stuff” life weighs you down with.
  • When you decide to take the chance to exercise your own God-given abilities and/or spiritual gifts to support the church, you’re already in a place where you can do it without hindrance.
  • When you’re at church, even if you never preach a sermon or make some huge contribution, the benefits of working out your faith will be invaluable to your spiritual health.

True, you may not be the most holiest of Christians and not have one scripture memorized, but just showing up to church is half the battle.  There will always be competing interest and built-in excuses in our lives when it comes to growing spiritually. We must make it a priority and practice at it daily. Attending church is only one pillar to living a life committed to Christ, but it’s essential. Our life has been designed to live beyond our own goals and dreams. One Hall of Fame basketball player once said, “If all I′m remembered for is being a good basketball player, then I have done a bad job with the rest of my life.” Remember, it’s about Him!

So the next time you wake up on a weekend and start debating internally whether you should go to church or not, do as any good basketball player is taught to do, see “the entire court”.


Something To Consider:

Are you currently involved in a church?

What keeps you from going to church?

Describe your “ideal version” of church.


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One Truth I Have Learned In 36 Years of Living


Today marks 36 years of life for me and I am so grateful to have reached another year. Along the way I have lived a life that has included so many proud and joyful moments along with some tough and devastating seasons.  I have built close relationships with people over the years and I have had to let some relationships go the way of yesterday. I have learned to take the good and bad in stride. I can recount moments in my life where the exhilaration could not be measured and moments where the pain could not be matched. Through it all I have tried to endure, learn, and remain steadfast.

However, there’s one thing I have learned that puts everything else in perspective for me. I recently listened to an interview with Tullian Tchividjian (grandson of Billy Graham). He talked about the rebellious and ungodly lifestyle he lived for years, but once he “came to his senses” he realized something: Jesus + Nothing = Everything.

Not to oversimplify life but that’s it! There are many matters in life that are important to me: career, education, family, ministry, etc. There are many priorities that I address on a daily basis. There are many thoughts that flood my mind at any given moment. There are many areas where I have to give of my time, energy, and money. But at the end of the day all of that pales in comparison to my love for Jesus and commitment to following Him. It hasn’t always been like this for me, especially as a Christian. Will I always get it right? Absolutely not. Will I continue to have growing pains? You bet. I cannot do life on my on. That’s the entire point of submitting my life to someone who can get it right.

Moving forward in life I have chosen to downsize my list of priorities. Many unfulfilled aspirations are not important to me anymore.  My main priority is following Jesus and living a life that glorifies God. All I am and all I have is through him. Though the name of Jesus may be unpopular, his power & presence are undeniable. Nothing else comes close. It’s what I believe and where I stand. May my life reflect Him.

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